Materials and tools:YarnArt “Jeans” yarn:– color: white No. 01,- color: black No. 53,- color: beige No. 87.– Yarn Kartopu “Amigurumi”, color: pink No. K787– Hook
Category: Amigurumi Cow

Anу sеmі-cotton уаrn іs suitablе fοr knitting amіgυrυmi: ҮаrnАrt Јеans, Αlіzе Сοtton Gоld, Gаzzal Bаby Cotton. If desired, the сow can bе used as а

AbbreviationsSc – single crochetInc– increaseHdc – half double crochetDec– decreaseDc – double crochetSlst– Slip StitchBLO-Back loop onlyFLO-Front loop onlyRnd– roundRSC- Crab Stitch (reverse single crochet) Materials• Cotton in

Materials:1. Yarn of the main color Alize cotton gold k (I have tweed) 62, brown 70 yarnart jeans, powder 83 yarnart jeans;2. 2 beads 3

Necessary materials:– Himalaya Dolphin Baby yarn or equivalent– Eyelet yarn (by YarnArt Jeans)– Hook 3.5mm or 4.0mm– Eyes, size of your choice (the author has

Materials and tools:– YarnArt Jeans– Hook 2.0 mm– Black beads for eyes– Black floss for embroidering eyebrows– Needle, scissors– Filler Symbols:KA – amigurumi ringVP –

Materials:• Thread; white, pink, light blue, red• Fiber for filling• Plastic eye accessory• Scissors Abbreviationssc– single crochetinc– increasedec– decreaseMR– magic ringBLO– Back loop onlyst(s) – stitch(es)ch–

MATERİALS:For knitting cows we need;1. Two hanks of white plush yarn and a hank of pink yarn. You can take a different color of yarn,

Materials4mm crochet hook, 4/Medium weight yarn in white, black, pink, and tan. 10mm safety eyes, black embroidery thread, tapestry needle, scissors, and stuffing. Head:In WhiteRound

Materials: – 3.00 mm crochet hook (US C) – 100 % cotton yarn for a 3.00 mm hook – A pair of safety eyes –