Materials:Size 4 worsted weight yarn in your choice of colors25g for each of the 4 segments Small amount for:Antennae Arms Cheeks 3.5 mm and 2.25 mm crochet hooks Black and white crochet
Category: Amigurumi

Materials:Size 4 worsted weight yarn 25g choice color for overalls 15g beige Small amount of:Brown for paws/spines Choice of color for shirt/sleeves Black for nose/ Black embroidery thread for eyelashes 10.5 or 11mm

Materials needed:Size 4 worsted weight yarn (I used 100g of I Love This Yarn in Toasted Almond and 50g of Ocean; you will also need

Materials –Size 4 worsted weight yarn (small amount of white, accent color, pink, and ivory)3.5 mm crochet hook (these are the hooks I use and

Materials –Size 4 worsted weight yarn (50g of brown; small amount of yellow for the legs and beak, red for the wattle, and your choice

MaterialsSize 4 worsted weight yarn 75g light gray (I used Yarn Bee Soft and Sleek in Light Gray) 75g choice of color for outfit/bows/slippers Small amount ofWhite Ivory for

MaterialsSize 4 worsted weight yarn75g beige (I used Vanna’s Choice) 75g choice of color for outfit/bows/slippers Small amount ofWhite Pink for nose and ears 3.5 mm crochet hook12mm safety eyesCrochet

MaterialsSize 4 worsted weight yarn75g of light brown (I used I Love This Yarn in Toasted Almond) 25g color of choice for dress Small amount of white Small

Materials –Size 4 worsted weight yarn (125g of pink; small amount of white, grey, and beige)3.5 mm crochet hook ( I use and love these hooks!)12mm safety

Materials – Size 4 worsted weight yarn (50g of white, 25g of skin color; small amount of accent color for the dress and color of choice